teissPodcast - Cracking Cyber Security

Why can’t we retain the cyber talent that we need?

August 16, 2019 TEISS Season 3 Episode 22

There’s a cyber skills shortage, but are cyber security hiring and retention processes doing more harm than good to your organisation?

This week I speak with Vicki Gavin, about recruitment, talent retention and leading teams. Vicki is an advisor on security, privacy and resilience and was previously CISO for the Economist; with years of experience under her belt I thought she was ideal to discuss these topics with.

Vicki speaks with genuine warmth, passion and clarity and admits that it wasn’t until she became a mother that she discovered how to be a good leader. "It’s the same skill set," she says, "never forcing but helping them to understand the world around them and be the best they can be.” I love that.

So let’s look at the stats, findings revealed in ISACA’s recent State of Cybersecurity 2019 research, say that 64% of respondents indicated that they have trouble retaining qualified cyber security professionals. So what's going wrong?